
April 2023

This is a multiplayer Jeopardy game that allows players to buzz in via their own devices and play in real-time. It was built using React and Firebase. It allows multiple teams to compete, log in via their mobile devices, and buzz in to answer questions. It also keeps track of scoring.




👩🏻‍💻 Development

I was inspired to make this Jeopardy app when one of my clubs, Biology Club, decided to host a bio-themed Jeopardy night. Having previously worked with Jeopardy Powerpoint templates or existing websites that didn't also offer buzzing and scoring, I decided to create my own version to meet our needs. I was proud of the fact that people could actually buzz in, and successfully using this app at our club meeting was a very exciting feeling.


Question and answer popup


Team buzzer


Scoring functionality

💡 Future Ideas

In a future version of this project, I would definitely want to create the concept of a game code so that multiple games can be played independently. Currently, questions are hard-coded and are biology themed. I'd love to give hosts the ability to create their own questions or perhaps choose from a pre-determined set of genres. Fetching actual old Jeopardy games could be cool too.

I also would revamp this app to use a proper backend. Currently, the front-end directly interacts with Firebase, and I'd be interested in replacing that with a new API that handles these requests.

© 2023 | Built byDessy Dusichka