🎶 Concert Match

July 2023 - Present

A concert-finding web application for friends to find events from the Ticketmaster API. Users can swipe right on concerts that they would attend and left on ones they're not so interested in. Mutual matches will be identified so friends can keep track of what they're interested in (and can budget accordingly)!




Concert Match
👩🏻‍💻 Development

My friends and I love going to concerts, and I wanted to make a more fun way to decide which ones we should go to. I also wanted to build my first app with separate well-designed front-end and back-end. I decided to challenge myself with this app by using MongoDB and Express for the first time.

This app is still in progress but currently supports user login and authentication, as well as swiping functionality for individual users to track what they're interested in. The next step is adding in group functionality, which I hope to complete by the end of August 2023.

💡 Future Ideas

While there are still functionalities I need to get the base version of this app completed, there are also some things I'm thinking of for a version 2 of this app. First, I think it would be cool to integrate with Spotify's API and prioritize concerts with artists that a user actually listens to. I also would like to dip my toes into the field of AI and machine learning and develop an algorithm to provide a better recommendation order.

© 2023 | Built byDessy Dusichka